Friday 18 January 2019

Quilling SriChakra

Hi Friends,

     The Sri Chakra is a form of mystical diagram (yantra) used in the Shri Vidya school of Hindu tantra. It consists of nine interlocking triangles that surround a central point. For details refer here .
I have tried to make the Sri Chakra using various quilling designs.
Take a yellow Kg cardboard of desired size. I have used orange , pink , blue , green , red and yellow colour quilling strips.
The details are explained below:

  • Step 1 
Draw the Sri Chakra with the desired dimension.  

  • Step 2

Colour the shapes with the different colours of your choice. Make quilling shapes in coordination with the colours. 

  • Step 3

Give a black outline to the drawing by placing the black colour  quilling strips ( 3 mm )in a vertical fashion. In the similar way complete all the lines using black colour. 

  •  Step 4

For the first triangle use orange colour quilling strip. For the next layer make triangles using pink colour quilling strips. For the third layer use blue colour and for the forth layer green colour quilling strips. 

  • Step 5

The next set of triangles is done using red colour quilling strips. 

  • Step 6

Fill the empty spaces using yellow colour quilling strips. 

Once done the complete Sri Chakra is designed . 
I hope you liked it.